Open Lotus Living

Caroline Mary
"Who called you Crazy?
You're having a Spiritual Awakening!"

A journey of reframing mental health as spiritual awakening, and helping integrate the profound experiences we can undergo as we awaken our spiritual senses and meet our soul.
During my late 20s, I was sectioned twice, detained against my will, and forcibly medicated, leaving me fearing for my own sanity in a world that deemed me crazy for having visions, speaking with Spirit and sensing the vast world that lies beyond our 5 senses.
Luckily my intution told me this was part of my journey and had a profound meaning for me and I was able to help my fellow inmates by providing a listening ear the staff couldn't always provide.
As we chatted, sharing our tiny "prison" rollies, I shared we were the Rainbow People, and that in the future, there would be healing centres that would take over from these out-dated prison-like security units that threatened non-compliancy with enforced medications with injections and solitary confinement.
This shit was real and I couldn't quite believe it was still happening in our modern, so-called civilised society!
Little did I know back then, I was speaking about the Rainbow Prophecy, and my words were echoing the knowings of indigenous elders...
This book is part my story, and part inspiration ad self-help for those who've experienced a similar journey to me.
Ultiately I'm praying for a deeper healing, a more holistic offering to those who are experiencing altered states, flash backs, sensory over-load or connecting to realms beyond the understanding of most medical professionals. What we need are healers, shamans and psychics who can bring a deeper understanding of these profound experiences along with compassion and deep listening.
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